Breathe Control


Every singer knows they need proper breath control, but most don't even know to do it properly.  This course takes the mystery out of this essential skill and breaks it down into easy steps to get your breathing on track and set you up for singing success.

A 1 week, 7 lesson Course with accompanying workbook and exercises.

Take notes in the included printable workbook... it will help you keep track of your progress.

Practice along with audio exercises designed to improve breathe support, and strengthen your voice.

Ask your questions in the quizzes and in the comments section in each lesson and get answers from a coach!


Lessons in This Course

A simple exercise to help you condition your breathing and build up your breath support.

The slow leak is a power breathing technique that helps you learn how to slowly and consistently release air.  While a gentle exercise, it might take some getting used to.  But when you incorporate this technique, it makes a big difference in strengthening your breathing.

The pulse breath is the most important breath exercise you can do.  All previous exercises build up to this one.  Do you find that you are continually gasp for air when you speak or sing? This exercise cures that by teaching you how to draw in breath from your belly.  Developing efficient and effective breathing habits will go a long way in putting your voice on a firm foundation.

This is a great exercise for breathe control.  The beauty is in it’s simplicity and yet it is very powerful.  Controlling the flow of air is essential to being a great singer or communicator.  If you know how to blow out a candle than you will have no problem mastering this exercise.

This is a modification of the candle exercise where you will reverse the flow of air. This exercise conditions you for taking proper breaths in.  Another easy exercise that yield big benefits.

What People are Saying

Clay Collins

Meet Your Coach

Hey there. I am so glad you are here to check out what My Voice Mentor can do to help you grow and give your voice what it needs to captivate your audience every time. Having been a vocalist for over 30 years, both on stage and in the studio. I have learned a lot about what todo and what not to do in the area of singing and public speaking. My courses will not only teach you have to be a better singer and public speaker, I'm going to teach you the right vocal technique and strategies to ensure that you will never have to face the fear of ever losing your voice. There is no instrument worth optimizing and caring for more than your voice and I can't wait to help you get started on your journey with My Voice Mentor.

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